Our whole school, mid-term meet and greet for all parents and guardians is on February 26.  RSVP today!

Student Laptops

Melbourne Montessori College uses cloud-based systems allowing access from any device at any location making accessing the School’s electronic resources faster, easier and secure.

All Senior School students will be required to bring their own device (BYOD). The preferred device will be a Laptop (Windows or Mac). An iPad or Android tablet will not be sufficient for all classwork, tablets can still be used to access emails, internet and some other services.

Montessori School emails and files are hosted by the Microsoft Office 365 portal, accessible from Office.com.

The School is also connected to Google and all students have a Google account, that can be logged in from Google , from there you can access Google Drive among the many services.

The Adobe Cloud suite is also available to all MMS students,  you can log into the Adobe Cloud and download any apps you want.

To log into all of these services, just use your School email address and School password.


Parents will need to supply a either a Windows or Mac laptop with the below minimum hardware specifications, a tablet device can not be used as a primary device.

– MacBooks must be able to run OS 10.13 or greater

– Windows computers need to have these minimum specs.

  • Windows 11
  • i5 processor
  • 8Gig of RAM
  • 500 GB Hard Drive (SSD preferred)


Students will be responsible for loading the software they need onto their laptops allowing them to complete their school work.

Software requirements are…

Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point)

Adobe Creative Suite (Subject Dependent)

Microsoft Office

Often when you purchase a Windows Computer it will come with Office 365 already installed, if this is the case you simply need to log into it using your School email address and password.

If  your Windows or Mac computer does not have office installed, it is preferred that you install it from Office.com. However you can still access the full office suite from office.com where a web browser version is available.

  • Go to Office.com
  • Log in with your School Email address and password
  • Click the button “Install Office” and choose the top option “Office 365 Apps”
  • Once the file is downloaded double click on the Installer and it will automatically download and install the Office Suite


Some subjects require Adobe products such as Photoshop.

However all students have access so it can be downloaded and installed even if not required by a subject.

  • Visit the Adobe Creative cloud page and download Creative Cloud
  • Once downloaded and installed, authenticate using Google and enter your School Email address and password
  • Then use the Creative Cloud app to install any needed Adobe products


Managebac is the home of the MMS Senior School curriculum and can be accessed here Managebac.

You will have an invitation in your Inbox from Managebac where you can log in and create your account.

Follow the instructions in the email that will allow you to setup your Managebac account.

Need Help?

If you are having any trouble accessing any of these services please contact the IT department by emailing it@mmc.vic.edu.au or calling the school on 03 9131 5200.

Rodney Balent
IT Manager